1 Before |
1 After |
Case 2 Before |
Case 2 After |  |  |  |
Mammoplasty ( 'Breast Reduction' ) | Patients
who undergo breast reduction surgery frequently are seeking relief from physical
symptoms caused by the excessive weight of large breasts. Breast reduction usually
can solve these problems as well as improve the size and shape of the breasts.
This is one of the most challenging procedures in Plastic Surgery. Several methods
have been described, indicating that no single method is perfect for all types
of breast enlargement. The most difficult decision is whether to leave the nipple
on a pedicle, thereby retaining its sensitivity and erectile function, or whether
to use it as a full thickness graft, in which case both are drastically reduced,
sometimes lost. The decision is made based upon some calculations and some experience.
The final call is the surgeons, often made on the operation table, and the patient
must accept this in good faith. |
operation | I
use the Modified MacKissock Vertical Pedicle design for reducing the breast, as
I believe that the design is sturdy for pedicled transfer of the nipple and allows
individual contouring of the different quadrants of breast tissue. One incision
is made around the areola. Another runs vertically from the bottom edge of the
areola to the crease underneath the breast. The third incision follows the natural
curve of the breast crease. Drains are inserted under the skin at the end of surgery
followed by a compressive dressing. |
| General
anaesthesia is used. Since the procedure is long, GA gives the best control over
the patients vital parameters. |
stay | Patient
stays in hospital until the drains are removed, generally 48 to 72 hours. |
Risks |
reduction, sometimes the breasts may not be perfectly symmetrical or the nipple
height may vary slightly. Permanent loss of sensation in the nipples or breasts
may occur rarely. Revision surgery is sometimes required in certain instances
where incisions may have healed poorly. In the unlikely event of injury to or
loss of the nipple and areola, they usually can be satisfactorily reconstructed
using skin grafts. |
| Post-operative
care | After
drain removal, the patient may be allowed to shower lightly. A small dressing,
held in place by a sports bra is quite adequate. Follow up is once in 3 to 4 days.
Stitch removal is approx. 12 to 14 days after surgery. Most patients can get back
to work within a week, all going well. Active exercises can start in about a months
time. | |
to expect | There
is a surprising lack of pain, in spite of the surgery being extensive. The scars
of breast reduction are extensive and could be fairly visible in certain skin
types. However, the patient must understand that they are exchanging breast size
and shape, and all the discomfort, physical and social, for the scars. Fortunately,
the incisions for breast reduction are in locations easily concealed by clothing.
Also, patients must be willing to undergo minor revision procedures if these become
necessary. | |
Outcome |
degree of freedom that this procedure bestows on patients is unmatched. I have
had patients relieved of years of backache and shoulder pain when they had this
surgery performed on them. | |
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